How It Works
We make sure you get your parcels delivered in the most convenient way, either to your door or to a Box, striving to use the most sustainable option to do so. Of course, we do not only deliver your parcels - we ensure that you can return them too.
Curious about how we work with sustainability? Read more here!

Budbee Home
Home delivery right to your door in the afternoon and evening. If you are not home, you can notify us to leave the parcel on your doorstep or reschedule for another day. In most of our markets, we use renewable diesel and electricity in our transport, from pick-up to the last mile.
Budbee Box
A smart and flexible delivery service where we bring your parcels to a Budbee Box of your choice. You use a pin code to open the locker at a time that suits you. In most of our markets, we use renewable diesel and electricity in our transport, from pick-up to the last mile.
Easy and Label-Free Returns!
Budbee goes both ways! If you need to send something back, go to your order in the Budbee app and click the "book return" button.
If you choose Box, you will get a pin code from us and have 2h to get to the location to leave the parcel. Did you miss it? Don't worry; you can book a new time slot in the app.
Did you want the parcel to be collected at your home? Use the app and book a pick-up time; choose if you want to hand it over in person or want it collected at your doorstep.

Choose if you want the parcel to be collected at your doorstep or if you want to return it in a Box. Then, pack the items and make sure the package is properly sealed.