
about fraud and scams to consumers

How do I know it's safe? How can I avoid scams in the future? The most crucial security check you should always do is:

When you identify yourself in the BankID app - always check that our company name is displayed there. It should say "Budbee" and nothing else in the BankID app.

Many scams people are exposed to involve identifying themselves with one's bank or something else sensitive. This way, the scammer can log in to your bank or other sensitive site. As long as it only says Budbee in the BankID app, only Budbee can see your social security number, which is always safe. If you are the least bit unsure, call us at 010-147 77 00 and double-check.

Here are some other security checks you can do yourself to protect yourself.

Download our app, where you can keep track of your deliveries.

Is the information correct? Have you ordered something from the e-retailer that is stated at that time?

We do not charge for goods you purchase from anyone; we only provide shipping services. If you become suspicious, contact our customer service and double-check.

Where is the question coming from? Our SMS messages come from Budbee, and no phone number. When it comes to email, it can be tricky to see sometimes, but if the email address looks strange, it is often a scam attempt. Check that the domain is correct that is, what comes just before .se or .com. Our email comes from or Remember that SMS senders can be forged; if you are unsure, you can always double-check with our customer service.

If you click on links - check carefully where you end up. Check that the domain is correct that is, what comes just before .se, ee or .com. Our links always go to the domain Here are some examples of incorrect links:, where the domain is instead of, we only use .com or .io.

Call and talk to the sender! Scammers often send hundreds of thousands of messages and do not have the opportunity to speak to everyone. You can call us at 010-147 77 00. If you have received an SMS or email message with a number, it is always good to look up the correct number yourself.

Is someone calling you and asking you to identify yourself? Instabox never calls to ask you to identify yourself. Take the name and ask to be called back instead. Always contact our customer service at 010-147 77 00, not the number somebody you were called from.
Be aware of spelling mistakes or strange wording. Review logos and language.

Find what you are looking for in the Budbee app

In the Budbee app, you can see all the info about your deliveries, handle returns and chat directly with our customer service team.

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